Valve training
We have custom training programs that are perfect for teaching your employees basic or advanced knowledge about working with valves. It is vital for employees that work day in day out with valves to know how to properly maintain and operate valves. By training your employees they learn this vital knowledge. Every training we give to employees ends with an exam to test their knowledge and understanding of valves. This ensures that you can keep track of your employee’s knowledge and development.
Training & consultancy
Delta Controls B.V. has a long and succesfull history in valve training, engineering and consultancy. For more information visit the Delta Controls website.
Valve consultancy
We encounter a lot of clients that are strugling with valve problems in their operation. It is often not an issue of quality but rather an issue of picking the wrong valve for the application. The Veenstra Group can help you identify problems in your operation regarding valves and actuators and form a solution. We often are asked to calculate wether a valve is up to its task. One way we perform this is through computational fluid dynamics.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (C.F.D.)
Understanding the fluid dynamics and thermo-control is essential to properly design products for which these phenomena play a roll of importance. The term C.F.D. covers calculations in the field of fluid dynamics, which are based on numerical methods. Often the so called finite element method is adopted. This means that volume, where the studied flow occurs, is modelled by dividing it into elements in order to determine its behaviour. The flow may take place either through an enclosed envelope or within a body. Examples of results are:
- Pressure distribution
- Velocity distribution
- Temperature distribution
- Graphical display of stream lines
- By means of this software, both two- and three-dimensional models can be studied.
The possibilities stretch out to:
- Laminar or turbulent circulation
- Supersonic, transonic and subsonic (compressible) flow
- Stationary or non stationary flow
- Heat transfer through conduction, convection, or combined
These results can be used in a finite element analysis to compute thermal stresses in combination with other mechanical loads.